Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Biz Kids

If you have not taken the time to look at Biz Kids . . . please do!  This is a fabulous resource provided to us by a local credit union.  There are business plans, budgeting sheets, videos and lesson plans.

Take a look!!  http://bizkids.com/

Rich and Jody may be visiting a staff meeting near you with more information.  They also have the CDs for your watching convenience.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Today's Meeting Back Chat

Check out this tool you can use in your classroom or in your meetings to have discussions about material.  This would be a great tool for students to use about a reading assignment because they could do it from any cell phone or their iPad.

Link to Today's Meet

Here is an example of the MPCC meeting some of our staff are attending this week.
MPCC Meeting in Today's Meet

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What does this mean to you?

IBM model:
1) Learn from Information, 
2) Learn from Interaction, 
3) Learn from Collaboration
4) Learn from Collocation.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Star Board Tutorials

Check out the Hitachi Starboard site for links to tutorials and information.

Click on the last tab on top to access information about the preloaded tools.

Starboard Software Tutorials

Educational Technology

This is a link that was sent to me this summer by one of our wonderful science teachers!  It is good information for using technology in instruction and resources for students and teachers.  Check it out!

Educational Technology


NWEA Resources

This website will provide you with the links to NWEA teacher and proctor resources.

NWEA Support Documents

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marshall Memo 9/10/14

This is a publication we receive as members of the principal's association but the articles are usually timely and interesting.  Enjoy!

The Marshall Memo
The Marshall Memo, published since 2003, is designed to keep principals, teachers, superintendents, and others very well-informed on current research and best practices in the field. Kim Marshall, drawing on his experience as a teacher, principal, central office administrator, consultant, and writer, lightens the load of busy educators by serving as their "designated reader."

Marshall Memo 551http://www.marshallmemo.com/issues/851d2d854dc657045234de23c544b9e4/MarshMemo551.pdf

This week's quotes and articles come from The New York Times, Educational Leadership (more next week), Edutopia, Education Week, Education Next, Phi Delta Kappan, and T.H.E. Journal. The headlines:

- David Brooks on six virtues of the mind
- Daniel Pink on what makes students want to learn
- Creating lifelong questioners
- Baltimore's performance pay system
- Boosting test scores without boosting an important kind of intelligence
- Differences in girls' and boys' classroom preferences
- How a school library can become a hub of ideas and resources
- Why we focus on the negative, and what we can do about that
- Beginning-of-the-year questions for parents
- Apps to call on students randomly

Marshall Memo

Friday, September 5, 2014

Secondary Modification, Behavior Management, and The 21st Century Teacher

As I am going through my desk on a Friday afternoon I found these three sheets and I thought they were interesting enough to pass on!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Free Books Online!

This is a link to sites that provide free access to books.  This is a great website to direct students to when they are looking for a book.  It is also a great way to have students reading the same novel . . . for free!

Click here for 50 Places to Find Free Books Online!

2014-2015 Student Handbook and iPad Implementation Information

The 2014-2015 Student Handbook and iPad Implementation Information is posted on the website under the Student tab.  isd2142.net

What does a transformational teacher do?

This is another good article from Edutopia.  If you haven't signed up for their free emails it is worth your time for ideas and insights into education.

Transformational Teacher