Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poverty Resources

Connecting People  and Communication Across Barriers

Teaching students in poverty resources.

If you judge, you can't connect.
If you can't connect, you can's communicate.
If you can't communicate, you can't educate.

If you cannot educate, you cannot help students and families move forward.

You cannot judge the students or parents that do not get homework done, you have to figure out what to do with the 6 hours you have them in class.

Celebrate the little victories.  Allow students to see progress.  Not just the major milestones.

Talk about the necessity of education after high school.  Talk about colleges in your daily conversations with students.  Do not assume that because their parents did not go to college the children will not attend college.

Name your rooms or areas of the room after colleges.  That way you can say Joe, go to Harrvard and get those books.

Wednesday College Day . . . everyone wears something from a college.  Talk about the college, share information.

This time of year as we are pumping up students to do well on end of the year assessments, the need for this becomes even more clear.  If students believe we believe in them, they can achieve and they will try hard to show us they are worth believing in them.

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