Friday, October 9, 2015

Digital Citizenship and Blended Learning

I had the privilege of hearing a speaker today that was awesome.  
To see his Ted Talks: 
To see some of his articles or information on digital citizenship:

If you would like me to come talk to your class or a group of students about what it means to be a good digital citizen.   We can have the conversation about what you watch and what you post and what it means in your future.  Just give me a call and we will schedule it!

Technology changes everything.  I am not changing everything by sending this email, the world has already changed and we need to decide how we change to meet the needs of the students.  That is really up to you!

Here are some notes from the presentation:

We need to talk to students about how to use social media.  Who do you accept as friends/followers?  What are your rules?  Not the teacher but actually creating each students list of rules that they will follow.  Will they accept people they don't know?  WIll they accept people who have no pictures or information?  Who will you talk to? message? meet???

I think as adults we are scared when things are posted.  If you graduated prior to texting . . . we had notes.  They said the same things that are posted but now that student didn't share it to everyone.  Was it less harmful?  Students post things and they are over it in about a minute and they move on.  

You want to create your digital footprint.  You want to have social media accounts with your actual name, because that is what will come up when future employers or parents will find when they google you.  

If you made it to this point and have a strong opinion, please send me a message.  I would love to hear from you.  We are giving devices to many students and we need to talk about what this means to our students.

Thank you and have a great weekend!  KB

Other tools:
If you have a long website or a document you want to share.  Use and it will take your like and shorten it to whatever you would like!

Twitter:  still a great way to do exit tickets with learning.  Use # to group them together.
Here are ideas for Twitter in your classroom:

Blogs:  This is real student writing.  You can have the students create an account.  I set mine up and will be working on it:
Here are articles on Blogging in the Classroom: 

Sharing learning:  Notes, ideas, brainstorming.  Use Google Docs and share information.  This is a great way for learn.  Do they have to write it to be engaged?  Can some student sit and listen and take it in and refer back to the notes.  
Creating Quizzes with Docs:

Do we want students to memorize or do we want them to know how to access information?  If a student could google all of the answers on your test are you teaching them to think or are you having them memorize facts they could google.

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